Where is the school located?
Commission Leadership Academy is located at 249 Holden Road, Youngsville, NC 27596.
What grades are offered at Commission Leadership Academy?
Commission Leadership Academy opened in August of 2014 serving students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. We offer a full K-12 program at CLA.
What are the Central Campus school days and hours?
For the 2022-2023 school year students in levels K-6 will attend school at Central Campus Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:15am - 3:15pm, while grades 7-12 will be on campus Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:15am - 3:40pm. Carpool will begin at 7:55am.
What curriculum is used at Commission Leadership Academy?
At Commission Leadership Academy, students receive a classically-inspired Christian Education, which uses methods and content to develop thinking, articulate, well-rounded graduates. Curriculum decisions are made by The Administration at the Academy with backgrounds in curriculum development and with counsel from the Academic Committee. Much research and prayer is put into each decision, as it must meet the high standards and quality of a classically-inspired Christian education. It must also fit well with the University Model School (UMS) framework, and maintain an environment in which both professional classroom teachers at our central campus, and parents at home, can effectively administer the curriculum. For more information see our Academics page or contact us at admin@commissionleadershipacademy.com.
Does this type of schooling fulfill state requirements?
Yes, our academic standards meet or exceed standards held by the State of North Carolina.
How does Commission Leadership Academy differ from a homeschooling co-op?
A University Model School and homeschool co-ops should not be equated. Homeschool co-ops are a good way for homeschooling families to pool their resources and expertise for specific and usually short-term study projects. One parent, for instance, may be especially proficient in math or science and teach a group of students that subject for a period of time. Generally speaking, homeschool co-ops are age-integrated, specialized, parent-run and do not simulate a college structure. In some cases, co-ops also take over the primary responsibility of teaching certain courses instead of integrating the teacher and parent effectively for each course as is done in the University Model. UMS is also different by virtue of having specific grade levels, consistent accountability from semester to semester, a full spectrum of courses complete with prerequisites and diploma plans, and a professional administration and faculty (much like a traditional school has) partnering with the parents.
What if parents aren’t teachers? How can they teach their children if they have never homeschooled?
Parents need not have teaching experience. Commission Leadership Academy takes the lead in the area of academics. New concepts are introduced and taught at school by paid professional faculty while the application of the concept often takes place at home. Commission Leadership Academy teachers provide detailed course overviews and assignments each week while maintaining open lines of communication. Parents act as co-instructors under the guidance of the classroom teacher. In addition, the school offers parent professional development to parents in various areas including academics and character development.
My wife and I both work full time outside of our home. Would Commission Leadership Academy work for us?
One of the most important ingredients in the success of the University Model is an available parent who can assist and properly work with the student. For a family in which both parents work outside the home on a full-time (or almost full-time) basis a more traditional 35-40 hours/week school is probably a better choice.
Do I have to sign the statement of faith in the application for admission?
We are best able to effectively partner with families when unified in our core beliefs, therefore at least one parent from each family must agree with and sign our Statement of Faith. As a discipleship school, Commission Leadership Academy is committed to ministering to Christian families in order to reinforce and support the faith and Biblical worldview instilled in your child at home and at your local church. It is not the school’s desire, nor our role, to become the primary spiritual influence in a child’s life.
I have children in several different grade levels. How much time will each need to spend doing schoolwork on their days at home?
A rule of thumb at university-model schools is that for every hour spent in the classroom, the equivalent time on each core subject is required in the “satellite classroom” at home. This rule, of course, varies according to the needs and age of a student. If a student is academically strong in a particular area, perhaps less time will be needed. If a student is weak in a subject or the subject is particularly challenging, then more time will be needed. Parents need to be alert to each of their children’s individual needs and lead them accordingly in the structuring of their time.
Since parents are team teaching with the teachers at school, how does communication take place between the two?
Communication between teachers and parents plays a large role in a UMS, and there are several ways that clear communication takes place. Lesson plans and assignment sheets that are prepared by the teacher and made available to parents and students in paper form and through ClassReach, our online data management system that provides a convenient way for parents to communicate with teachers and access lesson plans and grades. Instructions to parents are included as part of these assignments, as are long-term study projects that are upcoming. Parents are also invited and encouraged to communicate any of their questions back to the teacher as needed.
Are colleges accepting students from University-Model schools?
Students from the original University-Model School in Arlington, Texas, which has been in operation since 1993, have had no difficulty in gaining entrance to colleges and universities nationwide. In fact, the majority of graduates have been awarded scholarships for academic achievement, student leadership, and athletic or artistic ability.
University Model Schools stay informed on the current and projected entrance requirements of major four-year universities. This allows school officials to be sure that the course offerings are meeting or exceeding college standards. In addition, UMS students are attractive to colleges because of their strong work ethic, successful study habits, leadership skills, and character as demonstrated through various student activities—academic, athletic, artistic, and governmental.